Monday, June 10, 2013

Pilot Post: MY Stages of Growth After A Devastation of Indoctrinization

Hi, I'm back in the saddle again.

You don't know me at all.
But I was there long time ago.
Yet smarter.

Now I'm back, and for a good reason: I want to share things that I have learnt (again) that was lost during my indoctrinated years (by the Seventh - Day Adventists), things that might be useful for you, things that also might not. For the beginning, there are stages of restoring myself that I successfully record and is the leading method of fixing myself, at least for now.

The stages are:

  1. Realization/Receiving a Blow: Something struck you straight in the head. For example, you realized that you're the one mentioned in Scar Tissue. You might be stunned for a few seconds before thinking forward. We accept the idea and moves on to
  2. Denial. It's the teen spirit, baby. Accepting the state of denial, the mind moves on to 
  3. Stagnancy. We exhaustingly deny things until one point we are stagnant as if you're a dry pool.
    Sometimes this stage is skipped to
  4. Acceptance. We stopped fighting the idea and the fact penetrates our heart with such a calm feeling that embodies our bones. When we fully accept the fact is when we move on to
  5. Growth. The ideas and change inside us grow holistically, encompassing all aspects of our life and humanity.
My theory, while works (great!) for me, is untested with another person. I'll be glad to receive some feedback from you netizens.

EDIT: There might be another latter stage called crave. It's where the subject feels that what he/she gets through this is not enough.
The pool is not really dry, but you get the idea of still water.

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