Thursday, September 3, 2015

Between Puppets and Dignified Clay

If there is no God, we are surely puppets of nature, without human rights, choice of bride, or even extra chilli. But we have it all.

Without human rights. Right to life, among many other, are most important. If there is no God, there is no such thing, for life is not a choice, but a condition arbitrarily imposed to us, without anyone's consent, particularly parents. Life would not be beautiful, for we surely will live in despair, for our morals will only entrap us. But morals are flowers of our love towards God and others.

Choice of bride. When we will to live together, we, man and woman, choose, and this choice depends on free will. If you do not will it, it is not a true marriage. You are married only when you consent. Against this view is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism holds that marriage is about its functions, its fruits, its use to the person involved and to persons around. Such a view views man and woman as something which can be used, i.e. tools. In this  case, it is to the society. It is true that families are supporting society. But it must be consented, and must be loving instead of using.

Back to the topic, putting these considerations together, it must be done either through free will, or through nature. But if it is to be through nature, it lost its meaning, for it is without incentive. It does not hold any promise but scientific ones. Scientific incentive fails for it does not account for anything human. Human can be watered down to nature, but nature cannot rise by itself. No monkey can love, they only know how to reproduce. They do add to nature, but not to each other. What is added is the inner life of the soul. You can give a monkey book, but he will surely not read it, for they do not care. They do not know. But a human wants to know, even that which is not related to his everyday life. For example, “kepo” is a human thing.

Chill. When you added chilli to your hot dog, you will to add either: as much as you like, as much as you can handle, or just add a little to the taste. When in nature, however, they do not care. They only care about: can this feed me? Can it chill me? They also do not care about taste. They only care whether this was fish, or meat, or plants. All they care about is nourishment fitting with their nature. But only human wills to eat junk food, or food in excess and luxury, for example, our hot dog. 

You may say that pet animals eat junks too. You may say that they, just like us, are one step closer to civilisation. But only a man can retain a bad habit, despite conditions. A pig which escaped the farm will become just like their wild brethren. But humans do not, sometimes. Some would wish for hot dogs out there in the nature. That is why a certain mountain in Indonesia are littered with trash. We change nature, even natural creatures. That is true, animals do not change by itself, we did it. We tame animals. No animals became tame by itself.

Therefore since we have it all, that is related to a person, then we must be personal indeed. We are not tests or accidents. Although accidents are said to make babies, we are not spawns. We have dignity from the very start. We are not part of nature, in the sense of level. We are one step above, but only to see clearly. We are humans, and we always desire to see. But what do we seek? Do we seek our own destruction in fierce suicide? Or do we seek life, even in this earth?

You can pierce the waters,
But will its secrets be open to you?
You can cleave an oxen heart,
Read it, as if we had eyes that soars to the future,
But will you taste the delicious meal?
Or will we continue to observe,
Just like the Pharisees with the law,
Without taking part with the soul?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

On Indonesia And Its Law

Shit. I don't even know how to open a writing properly. Let's try anyway.

Law (no, not Law) has existed since... well... quite long. Maybe there are rules even in prehistoric law, but those are unwritten. Mesopotamia, the cradle of life, held the... umm... wait... (I'm really thinking like this when I typed this) yes, it's Mesopotamia, the kingdom responsible for Epic of Gilgamesh (shit, I opened Google just to make sure), and they had a system of laws such as what happened to a builder whose home he built collapsed and killed the resident (no, this one I did not search, I really read this), what should be done by a priest, and things like that. At that time, scribes had a high position... but let's get to the core.

This evening, I had a glimpse of a television news program. In Indonesia it was like this:

"Bla bla bla bla bla TERJERAT HUKUM."

In English:

"Bla bla bla bla bla constricted trapped (brb opening google translate) ENTANGLED BY LAW."

In my mind, I can imagine fishes. And ocean. And the warm current. Then it strikes my mind.

Law in Indonesia is often viewed as a SAFETY NET, a tool of COERCION, rather than a FOUNDATION, a place to STEP UPON, which it is.

I often found people talking about how a strict parent our government is, telling us, even coerce us, to do this, do that, don't do this, and don't do that. Sometimes it's a government-supported campaign, some other times by law (like the safety belt). Sometimes... they're all stale, people said.

What we need is education. I once watched Oprah Winfrey Show, and who was talking? A mother who lost his children because they're not using seat belts fitting for them. People are educated. People are warned.

Meanwhile in Indonesia...

This is what we do for high school orientation process. What a shame, but it's more shameful if I and other people did not expose this.

Yes, people. Flower pots.

We learn that what the authority does is true and righteous. Even when it's not.

Shit, man.

I curse a lot, didn't I? Well, At least it's not verbal.

I don't know how to finish this. I just wanna write... or stop.

Maybe I will curse again.

I just played 5 levels of Iji.

I'm just upset, that's all. Who wouldn't?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Long version? Go Ahead!

The short article is just below this post.

Regional Minimum Wage is varying across Indonesia, the highest belong to Jakarta (Rp 2.200.000). Countries like UK and USA have this system as well, it’s only that theirs are far ahead us. Our income mean is about US$800 (I learned this in Middle School).

Anyway, the relation between human rights and wage is close. People need income to fulfill their basic needs. Example: we need money to buy our home, or at least rent an apartment. We also need money for food and clothing (neither are rented, imagine renting an underpants!), and for mental health as well (entertainment (setting your television to political-party-member-owned channel will do) and love…).

But think about this: the laborers are trapped in a vicious circle, I think.


Watch this.

1.Laborers are short of money.
2.They push the government to raise the minimum wage.
3.They succeed.
4.More wage means more spending (at least in Indonesia).
5.More spending means more demand for certain needs.
6.More demand leads to higher price of commodities.
7.Laborers are short of money.

That, I took it from the previous post.

Before asking for their rights, they should have done this: saving money early, instead of spending more.

Here is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:

According to @JetVeetlev, founder of Hitman System, a good wage can fulfill the second stage… when it’s managed well. I think saving money is one of the crucial managements. By saving money instead of spending it, your future will be more secure, more stable, and of course, free from fear that the physiological needs will become more expensive. Saving money is the key to national security.

A couple of days ago, I listened to a song by Enter Shikari: Gandhi mate, Gandhi. The intro says:

Now, I don't know about you, but I don't think the primary purpose of your life, of my life and the entirety of the human race is just to blindly consume to support a failing economy and a faulty system. Forever and ever until we run out of every resource and have to resort to blowing each other up to ensure our own survival. I don't think we're supposed to sit by either while we continue to use a long outdated system that produces war, poverty, collusion, corruption, ruins our environment and threatens every aspect of our health and does nothing but divide and segregate us. I don't think how much military equipment we are selling to other countries, how many hydrocarbons we're burning, how much money is being printed and exchanged, is a good measure of how healthy our society is but I do think I can speak for everyone when I say, we're sick of this s**t.

Yes, we do. But what kind of fault it is? A system is faulty when the people is faulty, and capitalism (I’m sure this is the “faulty system” they are talking about) is no exception. Now look at this. Capitalism is not faulty. But people who abuse it for their own good, they’re faulty. Selling product with advertisements, it’s not wrong. Using psychological tricks and making the consumers blindly consume things they don’t need, that’s wrong. Fulfill a demand, that’s not faulty. Creating a bogus demand, that’s faulty. The core of the tree is, there are a lot of people we don’t need that is abusing our rights. And who gets hit? Consumers… of which a lot of them are laborers.  Poor consumers-laborers.

The diagram above explains the flow of labor, money and goods/consumables. As you can see, consumers sell their labor (or their property) and gets paid, while producers sell consumables and get paid by money from laborers. This needs to be in perfect balance. Which is occasionally not, for example, fulfilled in the case of slavery, the one in that one kitchenware factory.

However, as you can see, the flow needs to be balanced. If the producers pay more for labor, it means either they have to work more, or buy more. This is nuts.

So, Enter Shikari got its point. But how do we face it?

Save money. Invest. That’s all we can do in this nuts system… But I’d rather be in capitalist system rather than socialist system. Imagine eating rationed food for the rest of your life.

Ilios Zoi
DMD 3.2
Lasalle College International Jakarta

Devil's Circle

This post is about laborers.

Factory workers, etc.

About my theory of the devil's circle (a set of circumstances that leads to another, one final circumstance points back to the first condition, hence the name) that will lead to the devastation of national economy.

Here it is:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Love Yourself, Be a Quality Man

Often I forget to love myself.

Loving yourself is a form of taking care of yourself with an immense love and self-respect with a proper attitude and limits. I don't usually do it, but when I do, I do it by hugging myself.

Seriously though, when I'm done with that, I usually become full of love that I want to hug everyone. The problem is, that doesn't last long.

I've realized that to become a high - quality man, the first rule is :

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Twitter Celebrity Mentality

Yes, I was one.
Yes, I have discovered the truth.
Yes, I changed.

Before my 'wreck', I was one of those who continually seek attention-it has been my ultimate habit since i was a kid and lost them all. Ever since I was a little boy, who danced on demand of my parents and people seeking entertainment, I  had loved my 'job'.

Not anymore.

You don't have any idea what a Twitter Celebrity looks like?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pilot Post: MY Stages of Growth After A Devastation of Indoctrinization

Hi, I'm back in the saddle again.

You don't know me at all.
But I was there long time ago.
Yet smarter.

Now I'm back, and for a good reason: I want to share things that I have learnt (again) that was lost during my indoctrinated years (by the Seventh - Day Adventists), things that might be useful for you, things that also might not. For the beginning, there are stages of restoring myself that I successfully record and is the leading method of fixing myself, at least for now.

The stages are: